
Arrival & Dismissal Reminders

  • PreK families will walk students to the left of the school and sign their child in directly at the classroom patio doors. We are asking all other students to enter the building on their own, we will have additional adults to direct students to class. Kindergarten parents may walk students into the building to the classroom door but only on the first day.
  • We will be starting the dismissal process will begin at 3:45 pm. We ask that you please be patient for the first week as it always takes longer because students are getting used to the procedure. In addition many families opt to pickup their children the first week, rather than take the bus, which also lengthens dismissal.
  • If you are picking up your child please pull into the parent loop, line up along the right hand side in your car and a staff member will come to call for your child. PreK parents need to park their cars in the designated spots and walk to the patio doors to pickup their child.
  • Just a reminder ParentSquare is our main mode of communication so if there are changes to a students dismissal plan please send a message to the teacher by noon on that day. Also, we cannot guarantee that all phone calls will be answered as we are greeting students as well as meeting school needs. We ask that you leave a message and we will return your call as soon as we are able.